
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Orione day!

16th May 2013 in Philippines
Dear Confreres,

As we celebrate the feast of St Luigi Orione, the words of the Holy Father at the General Audience of 15th May 2013 give us the comforting reminder that our faith in Jesus Christ is based on solid truth and leads to ever greater knowledge of the truth because of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church. Don Orione has shown us and continues to show us that charity or love is putting the truth into practice, like our Mother Mary.  I wish myself and all of you ever greater knowledge of the truth and the grace to be able to make it become love in our every thought word and deed.

Happy feast day!

Pope Francis said at the General Audience, on 15th May 2013:

"Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our catechesis on the Creed, we have been considering the person and work of the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus calls “the Spirit of Truth” (cf. Jn 16:13).

In an age skeptical of truth, we believe not only that truth exists, but that it is found through faith in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God. The Holy Spirit brings us to Jesus; he guides the whole Church into the fullness of truth. As the “Paraclete”, the Helper sent by the Risen Lord, he reminds us of Christ’s words and convinces us of their saving truth. As the source of our new life in Christ, he awakens in our hearts that supernatural “sense of the faith” by which we hold fast to God’s word, come to a deeper understanding of its meaning, and apply it in our daily lives.

Let us ask ourselves: am I truly open, like the Virgin Mary, to the power of the Holy Spirit? Even now, with the Father and the Son, the Spirit dwells in our hearts. Let us ask him to guide us into all truth and to help us grow in friendship with Christ through daily prayer, reading of the Scriptures and the celebration of the sacraments."

Fr Malcolm

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