
Monday, April 29, 2013

Saint Luigi Orione

Don Orione in the world
Luigi Orione
At his canonization on May 16, 2004, Pope John Paul II said of him:
"Passion for Christ was the soul of his bold life, the interior thrust of an altruism without reservations, the always fresh source of an indestructible hope. This humble son of a man who repaired roads proclaimed that only charity will save the world, and to everyone he would also say that perfect joy can only be found in perfect dedication of oneself to God and man, and to all mankind".
Saint Luigi Orione was born in Piedmont, Northern Italy, at Pontecurone, a village near Tortona on June 23, 1872. The young Luigi felt he wanted to be a priest and joined the Franciscans, but had to leave due to ill health. He was welcomed by St. John Bosco, but left the Salesians after a few years to become a seminarian in his own Diocese of Tortona.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Some news in the Delegation

"Delegation Mother of the Church"
Assembly of verification. 

On 12th April we successfully completed our Delegation Assembly in the General Curia and elected Fr Mariano Jorge Zapico to represent the Delegation at the General Assembly of the Congregation at the Shrine of Aparecida, Brazil 13-20th October 2013.  Thanks for all your contributions from the communities.  We are still working on the final document to be sent to the General Council after having translated it into Italian.  During our Assembly we had the joy of seeing Pope Francis from very close quarters at the General Audience and also the joy of visit his patron saint's town of Assisi, which is so full of places which are witnesses to his amazing following of Christ, nearly 1000 years ago.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Don Orione in Kenya

Sons of Divine Providence in Kenya
Kaburugi and Kandisi and Langata: The Mission in Kenya started in 1996 when Fr. Joseph Vallauri was sent to Kenya to find a house for The Sons of Divine Providence. He opened the first formation house of the congregation at Langata, suburb of Nairobi. It continues as the formation and mother house in Kenya.
We accepted the parish of St. Peter’s in Kaburugi, about 75 km north of Nairobi on 13th December 1998 and we started our work in Kandisi on 9th September 1999 when an SDP father was introduced to the parishioners at a special service.
The First Kenyan Priest was ordained in November 2005. Our pastoral work includes parish apostolate, working with AIDS victims, people with disabilities, older people, a dressmaking school, nursery schools and a computer school.

Sons of Divine Providence _ Kenya
LangataSouth Road, P.o.Box. 15145-00509, Nairobi
Tel. +254 0203561562
Mob. +254 739224981 / +254 722478889