
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Camaldoli : Renewal of vows

Today 29th of June, in the chapel of the house of Camaldoli, Genoa, Brothers, Jeremiah Njoroge Muchembe, Gideon Ombaba Ombwori and Ian Kiprotich Katah renewed their vows. 
It was before all the confreres, the superior of Genoa, Fr Alessandro D'Acunto and all the community of the house of Camaldoli, where Brother Jeremiah has experienced two years' of tirocinium. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

In this month of June, traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we can reflect on the fundamental truth that God loves us. This is shown clearly by the way that the Father sent his Son to become truly human to understand our human condition personally and to give us the means to become truly human ourselves, like Jesus himself.  What has made this difficult or impossible is our slavery to sin and to false gods.  But Jesus has entered into our lives to set us free from within. In spite of all our problems, and especially our sins, he is so close to us – closer than we are to ourselves – to enable us to live in true love for God and for all our brothers and sisters and to remain free from the misuse of the good things that surround us. Sin is misuse and abuse of what is good. Jesus shows us how to do it and shares that power with us when we let his word fill our hearts and minds and when we let his life enter our lives through the sacraments and when we spend time with him in prayer. The Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolises all this and much more. 
Fr. Malcolm G. Dyer

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Death of a Benefactor

Ing. Giancarlo Colombo and his wife, Regina
At the beginning of June we were sad to hear of the death of Giancarlo Colombo, 91 years old, to whom we owe Colombo House in Teddington, UK. 

This Italian engineer, born in 1922, was a friend and admirer of Fr. Bidone, and the work he was doing. He was one of five brothers who set up an important and very successful family engineering firm, responsible for building some of the big motorways in Italy.

In 1961 Giancarlo’s younger brother, Angelo, was tragically killed when working on the Turin-Venice motorway, at the age of only 36, and it was as a memorial to his beloved brother that Giancarlo decided to donate the money for the purchase of a house Fr. Bidone wished to use for children with learning difficulties.

Ing. Giancarlo visited England in July 2001, together with his German wife, Regina, and the photos show them in front of the statue of Our Lady of Westminster outside the Chapel at Hampton Wick on that occasion.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our new centre beginning with water !!!

For us Sons of Don Orione, it is our mission to defend, support and promote the rights of those who are in need of permanent support, but we believe that our work is not complete when we have provided only the basic necessities.

It is our mission to defend, support and promote the rights of those who are in need of permanent support, but we believe that our work is not complete when we have provided only the basic necessities. Besides education and rehabilitation, we believe that people have the right to a steady job; this is necessary for social integration, for their development as individuals and in order to make them more independent.

It is therefore in this perspective that, after Kaburugi, OCTC wanted to extend to the reality of Kandisi.