
Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Instaurare omnia in Christo"

Instaurare omnia in Christo (Eph 1:10), is the motto that St. Paul gaves to the Christians of Ephesus, ordering them to direct all things according to the spirit of Jesus Christ, put Christ at the centre place in all things. For us, Sons of Divine Providence, this motto is more than an urgent invitation to do all “THROUGH” Christ, “WITH” Christ and above all, “IN” Christ. Through him and with him and in him (Trinitarian doxology in the Eucharistic prayers).
This is a very special and even more particular way to obey to the invitation of our Founder who has lived only for Christ, and through Christ, dreaming to “summarize all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth”.
As good heirs of a Father and Founder "Christiform" and "Christo-Lover" such as Don Orione, the new Chapel of the Sons of Divine Providence in Nairobi welcomes you open door with this graffiti on the main facade: “Instaurare omnia in Christo”.
Not yet completed, it already bursts in splendor with an inside of a beauty unusual because of the ceiling.
We propose here in pictures, some steps in the progress of the work.

“Green Providence”

Wishing to reach the requirement of self-sustenance, the Community of the Formation House of Nairobi has initiated recently an extension of its small agricultural garden. Starting from a construction of a "Green House" in the month of November-December 2013. On December 1st, the first seedlings of Tomatoes, Onions and Cabbages were transplanted. That same day, was planted the cucumbers seeds that a week later will germinate and will grow at an unparalleled speed. On the day of January 29, 2014, our cucumbers are more than ready to be eaten. Now is the time to fight for a consumer market supplement. The most important is that little by little, we may reduce our dependence on the Nairobian market which is becoming more than expansible for what concern vegetable and green. As a variety we try to diversify. Thus, in this small space we have the peppers (capsicum), leeks, onions, tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, green beans or French beans, and the common Kenyan greeneries, namely spinach and Zukuma Wiki. For us it is really a “Green Providence” having this beautiful diversity in vegetables.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Today 18th January 2014, we have had our first recollection of the year 2014. It was in our sister community in Karen.
It have been animated by sister Stella. Here is the text.

“Were your faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it would obey you”(Luke 17:6)

    It is traditionally held that Jesus said these words to his disciples when he was about to send them out in their mission.
It is easy to get discouraged and frightened when you know that you are small unprepared flock, with no particular talents, faced with a great crowd of people to whom you must carry the truth of the gospel. It is easy to lose heart because you realize that you are facing people whose interests are entirely different from the kingdom of God. It seems an impossible task .It is then that Jesus assures his disciples that by faith they will “uproot” the indifference and apathy of the world .If they have faith nothing will be impossible for them. At times when we are faced with difficulties we might be tempted to turn away from God. Human logic says “GIVE UP’: it” no use anyway It is then Jesus exhorts us not to be discouraged, but turn to God with trust. In one way or the other he will answer us.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

1st January on the Hills

Here we are, since a very few hours in a new year, the year of grace 2014, that Holy Mother Church dedicated to the family. The Don Orione Community  of Nairobi, as reduced in number as it is, wanted to mark the passing of the years 2013 to 2014. Therefore, this first day of 2014 was celebrated in the beautiful meadow of Ngong Hills.
The occasion was exceptional for a deep communication with the natural beauty. Everything could be read in the faces and gestures expressions of everyone. Have taken part in this Community outing some of our employees whose the cook, the gardener and his wife.

To each and every one go our most cherished wishes of Happy, Blessed and Holy New Year 2014.