
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Seminary of Philisophy or "Orione Agro-pastoral Trainning Centre", OATC

Seminarian reviving the new calf
Undoubtedly, there is life in the Don Orione Nairobi’s Community, and the animals themselves can attest it. The months of August-September have given to experiment an active dimension of the ordinary life of our Community. In January-February 2014 we were talking about "Green Providence", referring to the agronomical dimension of our reality. At this Agronomic dimension is grafted one that although existing previously, seemed vegetating, the Agro-pastoral, the breeding of dairy cows. Two of our dairy cows have, in the course of four weeks, August 30th for the first and September 26th for the second, given birth to two calves, one bull and one heifer.
Observing these events, one of our young seminarians who do not lack humor, did not fail to say that it would be interesting to reorient the objectives of the house and the vocation of our Community into an "Agricultural Centre" where people would come to form on breeding technique and in garden.

Thanks to the Divine Providence for the strength of spirit and creativity he continues to give to each of us. The most important is to know the dimension of manual work well rooted in all of us and shared with joy by our young people in formation. Ave Maria e avanti!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Vocation: Come and see (1) 2014

There is an urgent need to form our religious, in this technological, materialistic and globalizing world, to be missionaries, to be evangelizers. The task of selection and formation of the candidates for religious life is rather complex one. The future of any religious institutes depends on how we for our young men of today. Religious formation is not merely implementing certain programs through qualitative techniques, teaching some doctrinal elements, acquisition of divine and human knowledge and bringing the formee under discipline.  The true formation is much more than that. It is a whole process which start by accompanying, a young boy from the stage of aspirant up to the last step of formation. This include such a times and moments of vocational session. Where the young men are invited first of all to discover quite closely a religious family, but much be assisted in their discernment of religious vocation.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Birthdays and 10 years of Religious Life

On this day September 9th of 2014, the Orionine Community of Nairobi was en feasting. The occasion was the one of the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of the Father Director, Father Paul Mboche, born on September 9th in the year 1974. We also associate to this event that of the birthday of two of our young students, Wilcliff Mumia, born on September 14 and Peter Karanja, September 16. An encouraging thought and strong words were spoken among which, this beautiful philosophical thought inviting to always move forward. Life is a perpetual forward motion. If you are given the opportunity to run, run with all your strength. If it becomes impossible for you to run walk. If it becomes impossible to walk ramp. In all cases do never give up or stop going forward. As well say with Don Orione Ave Maria e sempre avanti (Ave Maria and always forwards).
We have also taken the opportunity of this birth anniversary festival to wish "bonne fĂȘte" to Father Mboche who on last September 5th celebrated 10 Years of religious profession of the evangelical counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. May God who deign to associate him to his work of love gives him constantly and with courage to remain faithful to his commitments.