
Saturday, October 26, 2013

OCTC in Marathon with the Nuncio and Celebrities to raise fund

Today 26th October, 2013, was held in Kandisi an operation of fundraising to support the implementation of the new OCTC (Orione Community Training Centre) for disabled children and youth in the area.
The event began with a “Family Walk/Run” or “mini marathon” which has seen the presence and participation of many celebrities and sports champions Kenyans and especially the honourable presence of the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya. Among the celebrities were Douglas Wakiihuri, who remains one of the favorite sons of Kenyan running, a woman volleyball champion and many other runners.

We, (the Apostolic Nuncio H.E. Archbishop Charles Daniel Balvo, Athletes, Priests, Religious, Seminarians, Faithful Parishioners from Kandisi and Kaburugi, Children, Youth and Aged, from Nairobi, Ongata Rongai, and elsewhere) were so many to take part in this Family Walk/Run and Fundraising". 

From 9.00 A.M to 3.30 PM, united by the same dream, we all tried each one according to his ability and his social rank, to support the construction of the new 'ORIONE COMMUNITY TRAINING CENTRE' for the Mentally Challenged people. As noted by His Excellency Arch. Charles Balvo in his address, for us Sons and friends of Don Orione, this is a good Charity Work to enable our Brothers and Sisters created also in the image and likeness of GOD to be integrated into our society instead of being abandoned or hidden at home. As Saint Luigi Orione, our founder said: "IN EVERY PERSON SHINES THE IMAGE OF GOD." Hence this motto is meaningful: "MENTAL DISABILITY IS NOT INABILITY". May the Lord JESUS CHRIST through the intercession of Saint Luigi ORIONE bless and reward all and everyone abundantly for their active participation and generous contribution.

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