Happy Feast of St Luigi Orione, ten years since his canonization!
Please pray for those confreres from India who renew their vows today and for Deacon Morris Mawira Gichia from Kenya who will be ordained priest tomorrow in Meru, Kenya and Deacon Mateusz Antoniak from Poland, who spent his tirocinium in India, who will be ordained at Zdunka Wola, Poland, tomorrow.
Please also remember in your prayers Fr Lawrence Tosatto, who has been in India for many years and who is undergoing tests and treatment at our house in Bergamo, near Milan.
Thanks for your prayers for Fr John Perrotta, who is recovering after a procedure to improve his heart function.
Let us reflect on these words of St Luigi Orione, quoted by Fr Flavio in his recent circular letter on how to understand and move with Pope Francis: "Already several times I have told you that to truly love the Lord, Our Lady and the holy things of the Church, we need almost to be fixated on them...We must be fixated uniquely on that which concerns the love and glory of God, of our Lady and the salvation of souls....what was our Lady’s attitude to Jesus? You know the answer: She lived only for him! She spoke only of him and for him, she prayed and suffered quite freely for him; I would say she thought that which Jesus thought – if that were possible – so much did she, through her love, want to express her feelings, her thoughts as those of Jesus...to live in complete union, in everything with Jesus” (In the Footsteps of Don Orione p. 88).
Fr. Malcolm
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