
Friday, May 17, 2013

Solemnity of San Luigi Orione

On this day, 16th of May 2013, the orionine family in its entirety was celebrating the Solemnity of the Canonization of Luigi Orione and the liturgical feast in his honor. Each one according to where he was, have tried to make it festive and better to live it as is required.
In Rome, this commemoration was tripled of meaning with the renewal of vows of two young members of our delegations from India and the institution of the acolyte of four other confreres including Anthony Njenga of our delegation and native in Kenya.

In his address during the Holy Mass, Bishop Giovanni D'ERCOLE, Bishop Titular of Dusa and Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Aquila, based on the word of God given to the solemnity noted a dimension Central of orionine charisma, that of love. Love not just as loving exchange or trade goods and assistance to the needy, but going further, the size of the cross as the perfect expression of love. This love that will never pass away is the one which does not hesitate to give everything until the gift of himself.
After the Mass, a beautiful procession with a relic and a statue of St. Luigi Orione has traveled the streets of Ognissanti Parish, Via Appia, Via Etruria through Piazza Re di Roma. After a refresh was offered to all, and to close in beauty, an exceptional fireworks, organized by Don Graziano, Vicar of the Parish Ognissanti.
In this same joy, this morning already, on behalf of the whole family, the Superior General, Don Flavio Peloso concelebrated with the Holy Father Francis where he came back with the blessing of the Holy Father and his invitation to us to pray for him.
9 years of life with a saint as founder, it had to be celebrated. Happy feast day to all, Ave Maria and forwards with St. Luigi Orione.

1 comment:

  1. It was a time of great joy seeing Brothers renewing their vows and as a Senior conferer to give allthe love and good examples to my brothers who were preparing adn walking together with me in the Orionine Family. Loved the walk thiugh it hurt my arms carry adn heavy relic holder should have been more than 2 kilos. Don Roione pray for us. What a time. God bless you dear all, wherever you are. with prayers, Fr. Sidon (the Ex-Deacon in the picture carry Don Orione's Relic).
